test,test,test! in a week!
Friday 11/4/08as usual,school again.i was quite surprising today as schools ends quite fast.for chinese lesson,we did 'bao zhang bao dao' on why the increasing of singaporeans of getting mental problems.after chinese,was biology lessons.
biology lesson was quite funny.mdm zulaihah wants us to form a sentence using the first letter of each hormone for the stages and hormones on human reproduction
the hormones are
Follicle-stimulating hormone
Luitenising hormone
minsan formed the sentence ' find our lessons pressurising'
richard " " 'fail O level paper'
me " " 'face O level paper '
chuan kai...i forgot his sentence..
the phrases were so funny.in the end,we used 'face O level paper' because mdm zulaihad said that those words cannot be negative.haha
e maths was after recess. we had test again,on chapter vectors,cumulative graphs and another topic(which i forgot what is the title).this test was also a disappointing one because i didnt do two parts in the test paper.but ,i think i can still save my A'ssssss.i love you A1!
after school, i went to subway with arina,sengie and layhan.the cookies were nice over there,but not the bread.it was very big and i don't think its nice.we talked about last year chalet thing,australia trip and more..so funny!i just hope that time could actually stop at that moment of time.
then ,at around 3pm,i went home and went for violin lesson.today i did not play the songs very well because i have no time to practice the songs.straight after that,lena and i went macdonald to do our homework.i finished reading the whole book of the latest zhi tong che and chemistry worksheet.haha.lena did her a maths.this time round, i was not distracted by the sound around me and i was quite focus.haha.at around 9,my parents fetched me home and lena was left at the macdonald to wait for parents.so poor thing and i leave her alone.my cousins came to my house to play.taday was quite an interesting day after all
Thursday 10/04/08funny drawings by elaine:D

mdm yue

mrs chua

miss jumiah

me and my beloved 4e7 classroom.haha


we were the only left in class
i had chemistry test that day.it was difficult and i have nothing to say about it.i really want to pass for this time round but i have a strong feeling i will sure fail for it.our class have to disappoint mrs chua again.mid year exam is on the 23thApril.i must really so something to my chemistry
after school,i had english remedial with ms jumia followed by e maths remedial(revision).we did revision for mensuration and more~~.when it was time for everyone to go alr,ting huan and i stayed in the class room to do english remedial homework and revise for vectors.we took stupid photos and i was like running around the classroom in order to set timer for the camera to take the photos.haha.then at around 5.30pm,we went to 201 bus stop to take our bus and we went home:)
Wednesday 9/4/08after school,i went home straight away because i have lots of lots of things to do.i have to complete many tihngs in 4 hours!! biology tys,extension question,english remedial worksheet,a maths questions and revise for chemistry!the chapters that were tested were periodic table,moles,chemical calculation and qualitative analysis.
Tuesday 8/4/04normal school day again.i had cca after school and it was quite boring.i had nothing to do in the classroom and i played a new song today 'peng you' by zhou hua jian.haha .it was supposed to be lunch time concert piece.for this time round,i dont want to play for the lunch time concert and hence i learned the song just for fun.during co,i walked around and slacked with jasmine and huai hui.i think im just wasting my precious time for my cca.its just 6 more days more to go!
Monday 7/4/08

people with dark skins


beautiful and handsome
i had a maths test today which is on the chapters differentiation and ~~~.i have no confidence in my answer because most of the answers i got were mostly filled with many decimal places.normally,when i do revision,i usually get whole numbers for the answers,but today,haisss~
i had grooming session today.haha..i belong in the spring section.haha,i love bright colours.those people who are under autumn section have to wear clothes which have dirty colours.grooming session was very fun and interesting.and i knew one thing..'we should never have centre parting because it makes you old and unprofessional'i have centre parting when i was in primary 4.wow..haha.and that day,we also knew our body shapes,such as curve,soft straight,and straight.haha.this was the first time i felt that a workshop was not boring.
after the grooming session,i went out with my family to celebrate my father's birthday.we went to eat XO fish noodles,instead of those fast food or restaurant.all of were tired.i could feel that my eyelid was closing any moment.we reached home by around 9plus.