Sunday, January 24, 2010

I feel that some people is giving my msn to people I don't even know.
Worst still is that I think they are not locals?

There's 2 to 4 people adding me everyday on msn these few days and I have been deleting and deleting.
The first one told me that he's horny, the second one told me that we have chatted before and asked me to webcam. Wth.
I'm like so CLUELESS?

At that time, I was so shocked! plus I got fever at the same time.
Now, I've been deleting whenever I see a new contact.

So people, if I accidentally deleted you, tell me :)

Ahh bu she de leh although nowadays I don't feel like using msn anymore.

Still having headache. What is happening to my head?

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Had fever for the whole day yesterday, but I went to school. I thought it would be alright, but I felt that my head was exploding when the degree went up!
Went for guitar too.

I wanna thank all my friends that helped me yesterday especially my VJJ! and Pencil Box!
I love them.
VJJ stayed with me till 6plus or 7 so as to wait for my dad to come and drive me home.
I am so touched!

When I reachd home, I had 14 hours of sleep! Im feeling better now :D



Laugh Laugh Laugh!

Rimes, Weilin and Angela!

This is so funny!


My retarded Rimes! :D XiaO Ting Tong!





This seriously look like someone!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Had a great laugh today at the library :)

Feeling terrible now.
HEADACHE after having 3 tests today, without any break in between.
I could feel that my head is like exploding.
Tired. I wanted to sleep!

While walking to my bed, sms came and called me to do the write up for the questions for ExcelFest.
It's really like so last minute.

Gp and Bio Prac still haven't touch. I'm so dead.

What is happening?
It seems that everyone is giving up, including myself.
Maybe, everyone is tired.
I'm tired.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Tests coming up soon.
I'm dead. Haven really studied much.

Tired.Nights :)

Maybe it's better like that.
I'm dumbfounded.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Today, I finally bought my chocolate biscuits from Mark&Spencer. Woohoo! :D

Steamboat with the bunch of crazy people :D! on Friday
Arina, Zara, Baoshan, Jiewei, Clarence, Janus, Yiyan, Ricky


Yiyan! kiaping my head

Okay, I ate him ! Die! Fishball!

BOOM! Birthday Bash! :D
Free facial for him.

My Clam Clam!

That HA HA HA Yiyan and Hippo!
They were playing with it when eating. End up making that part black black. Eww!

The leftover :)
Happy to be with them :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

First week of school
tired as usual :) and it's only the first week of school. Good luck to me man!

I ended my five days of school with a steamboat at Jiewei's house. Although it's for celebrating janus' birthday, it looks more like a reunion dinner. Haha! Yiyan kept making us laugh like mad, especially the 'oiishi' part. Dumb..Haha.

Every Wednesday and Friday, I have to dedicate my long afternoon to Guitar. AHHH! I wanna go home earlier, but but but....... okay, nevermind.

A crazy week because of all the jokes we have said. With the 'pencil box'! and my VJJ. Loveee!
Okay, Rimes is a disgusting woman! As they were saying that sesame seeds can't be digested when you eat it, Rimes said that we can dig the seeds out from the faeces and let people eat it again. *vomit*

Having tests next week. 3 tests on Thursday. Maths, Bio and Econs. Why can't they just spread the tests into different days? There are five schooling days in a week. Tsk!

Marshmallow snowman that Jolene gave me for Christmas. SO CUTE! I could not stop admiring it.

Isnt it cute?.... :D

I'm back to school :)

Angelalala :D

A lagging strand behind me :P

Monkey Doraemon that my mum gave me
I was surprised :)
I didn't know that she woud buy it :)
Cherish :D

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bye, gonna leave this blog silent for quite a while.
Too tired to blog anything.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First day of school

I actually forgot what is the principal's initial.

Announcement..After Ms's Choo words..:
Mdm Goh: What our prnicipal's initial?
me:... errrrrrrr..... Ms Cheng?
Then she showed the Haiya -.- face and walked away. I thought I was correct.
After she walked away, I continued to ask her is it Ms or Mrs Cheng..
Then I asked Weilin whether is it Ms Cheng, but she corrected me.
Is Ms Choo, not Ms Cheng.
Okayy...err.. quite embarassing.haha!
My memory is really BAD! omg I can't believe myself.

Weeks ago,
This happened. I actually called Weeting's Blackberry phone as Raspberry! OMG, IM SO TOOT!

Okay, reading logs 'discount' from 12 to 6. woohoo!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I must face the fact that school reopens tomorrow.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Shall cut down the time for using comp when school reopens.
Timetable is out already. Monday lesson ends at 6pm. So late!

Today, Cca started and I overslept. Cca started at 9am. Jolene called me at 8.53am and that's the time I woke up. Cabbed to school and that was really a rush. I don't wanna pay for the late fine. Okay no difference anyway cause I paid for taxi fare. duh -,-

Happy to see my Veron today after for like 1 month? :D Thanks for your pressie! :D I love it, haha :D

L.O.V.E.Addicted to this song.


Time is really running out. I still have GP essay outlines and reading logs!

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Undescribable feeling

The love that got us together

It feels weird when I am still having holidays and others have started school. although my holidays left a few days :)
I miss the poly people.

okay, whenever 1 new message appear in tpjc net, I get >.<
Today, 4 new message appeared! 2 from Mdm Goh, 1 from Ms Liow and 1 from Guitar.
Ms Liow says that she misses us.
Hmm. I don't wanna see her on Monday because I have not finished the revision package! :P

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

RING DING DONG! Ring Ding Dong!

It seemed that I have just came back from Bintan trip yesterday. Oh man, this holiday is really too short.

Some photos taken with the lovely Bintaners :D


Finally got a lovely photo of me and my sleeping partner! AANA!

Not forgetting Japhia too :) My bus parter! The person who taught me how to drink the bag of soup :P

Did facial painting at the orphan's canteen! :D

Wonderful pokeys!


Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The beauty of Photography

I just discovered many superb nice photos in my dad's comp.
Love it :)
It makes me feel happy.

Acting the 4 brothers! So heehee haha, funny!

Monday, January 04, 2010

I need directions.

Till now, still no aim, no ambition in mind.
Life with no aim really sucks.

I hope I will make Right Choice for my Life.

School is starting in 6days time. I'm not prepared for school yet. Homework not done. Tests on the first week and I have not prepare for it yet.

P.s I don't like year 2010 because I have to face A levels. Time really flies.