Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First day of school

I actually forgot what is the principal's initial.

Announcement..After Ms's Choo words..:
Mdm Goh: What our prnicipal's initial?
me:... errrrrrrr..... Ms Cheng?
Then she showed the Haiya -.- face and walked away. I thought I was correct.
After she walked away, I continued to ask her is it Ms or Mrs Cheng..
Then I asked Weilin whether is it Ms Cheng, but she corrected me.
Is Ms Choo, not Ms Cheng.
Okayy...err.. quite embarassing.haha!
My memory is really BAD! omg I can't believe myself.

Weeks ago,
This happened. I actually called Weeting's Blackberry phone as Raspberry! OMG, IM SO TOOT!

Okay, reading logs 'discount' from 12 to 6. woohoo!

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