2010. Must change 09 to 10 already. So weird!
2009 has been quite a good year. With my friends and family around, I'm happy :)
2010, All I want is, to be happy.
Everyone to be happy! Must stay healthy too :)
For this year, I want to forget all those troubles and unhappiness in 2009 and
to do my best in everything for this year.
Not forgetting too, I want to wish Jason,
Happy Happy 21st Birthday to Jason! :D
Okay, I slept for the whole day. Dinner with my mum's friend that have just reached Singapore from Australia.
Next, rushed to Jason's chalet before the cutting cake session. Many people were over there and hmm, lots of army guys. There's this adorable little boy who is Jason's cousin. Ahh! So cute la! After cutting the cake, it was birthday bash session.
Now, back home and didn't stay overnight at the chalet. Sad and I wanted to. Dad doesn't allow.
These few days I have been going out till very late :P
okay, now thinking about the homework that I have to do before school start,
All I can say is AHHHH!
31st Dec 09, New Year Eve
Countdown with Hippo, Clam, Ah Pong and Jiewei, Jasmine and Jason at ECP! :D okay, AH PONG , the name is still stucked in my head. Ah Pong is Zara, Jason's Maid. HAHA! The countdown was great :D
Everyone of us was wishing Jason Happy birthday because his birthday is on 1st Jan! So cool man!
After countdown, cabbed to Tam :) Sat with Arina, Clarence and Jason. I was sitting in the middle of 2 BEARS, Jason and Clarence. I felt quite hmmm, threatened? by bears. HAHA, the 2 wei seong or xiong! Hippo sat in front. Like what Arina said, we are oppening an animal farm and I'm the sotong. Tsk!
Cabbed to Tam to Meet my dear SHITTY Tinghuan :D who was with her poly friends. Made friends with them too :)
The yeechin and Raymond were drunk, Tinghuan said. Haha, their actions very funny. Then, they went back to ChunKiat's house who was my primary school friend. This is a small world indeed :D
Ton with them for the whole night, watching Korean's MV.
Breakfast. I wanted to have my long awaited Mc Griddles. In the end, didn't manage to eat again. Had cupnoodles in the morning for the first time.
I had so much fun for these few days.

Ah Pong, Jiewei, Clam and Hippo

The birthday BOY! HAHA! Clarence was the first one to shake Jason's hand and to wish him Happy Birthday. haha!sad for Jasmine :P

Ricky and I!

30th Dec 09 With Zarh and Weewee :D
Met up with weeting and Zahariah. I have not seen them for a long time and I miss them a lot.
We had dinner at Pastamania, then Camwhore! Sit sit Chat chat. I love it!
I can't believe that I actually called Weeting's phone, the Blackberry handphone, as RASPBERRY! What was I thinking man? haha, so embarassed hee.
This holiday is really too short for me! I want to do a lot of things, but no time! TSK!

Strong as always :D

HAHA!Now 18 Years of friends!:D WOOHOO

Yun Nam woah!

Zar zar!

Elmo munchy munchy!

okay, then we started to compare whose phone camera is the BEST!

First, weeting's

Then, Mine

Lastly, Zahr's

24th Dec 09 Jasmine's 21st Birthday
Day 1
Clarence taught me card tricks. So interesting!
Normally, I feel that playing cards are boring and tiring. I don't know why. Maybe I just don't feel like playing :)
However, there's always a BUT. It was fun playing with them and knowing card tricks from Clarence :D

Wing Wing Banner :D

heehee. The J's Jason and Jasmine
So nicee
AKY's Star!
The 2 devil wings :D
Arina's Chipmunk!
Fun fun spraycans!
Time to clean up!
Wii dancing. posture so funny!
Day 2

So many cutey Hello kitty present. So cute!
Especially this!
Jasmine so happy!
Haha. Bad luck on AKY!
First time playing FHM card. Fun!haha oops.
My face turned red after drinking Martell. omgla.
<3>P.s A long post. A long post = not gonna post for a few days.
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