i love Connie Talbot!
I have a dream
over the rainbow
you raise me up
I will always love you
emaths paper was alright today.hehe,imhappy!i want to get my A1 for maths.two more major paper and i will be free from all those stresssssss! B I O paper tmr .Bring It On :]
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
everyone is mugging hard:D thats what i saw at airport. everyone is holding either a physics or biology textbook.woah! hehehehe. yesterday after arina and i had study for a bit,we went to IKEA to eat daim cake.clarence went too.:) i felt so happy because i have not went out with them for such a long time.
im looking forward to the end of Os.:))))))))))))))))))))


bye.its you arina

this picture is to make arina laugh!!!

im superman!!!!!!!:DDDDhehe

arina!imi not going to use your money

the edited photos are so funny...!
im looking forward to the end of Os.:))))))))))))))))))))

bye.its you arina

this picture is to make arina laugh!!!

im superman!!!!!!!:DDDDhehe

arina!imi not going to use your money

the edited photos are so funny...!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
i have no confidence in getting my As for this week papers,except chemistry. i will pray hard for my As. i hope my a maths grade will not be a disappointing one.OH PLEASEEEEEE
chemistry was easy.english was okayokay,only that i did not finish all the requirements for the letter writing.geography and a maths was "heartpain" one,so many stupid careless mistakes,e maths was okay,somehow still got careless mistakes.
what is happening to me????why until o level,i still make all those lame careless mistake.i think i always get too nervous whenever i step into that hall.
jiaqi,stay calm.....

this is my cute cute lena!:D


chemistry was easy.english was okayokay,only that i did not finish all the requirements for the letter writing.geography and a maths was "heartpain" one,so many stupid careless mistakes,e maths was okay,somehow still got careless mistakes.
what is happening to me????why until o level,i still make all those lame careless mistake.i think i always get too nervous whenever i step into that hall.
jiaqi,stay calm.....
this is my cute cute lena!:D


Saturday, October 18, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

time passed so fast.i cant imagine i will be taking papers on this coming monday.i cant wait for christmas to comeee!! i cant imagine next year feb im taking my violin grade :DD
today mrs chua was funny.during her lesson,mrs lim told her to convey two message to us about the practical.the second message was the funny one.she said about the hot and pretty invigilator that came to our school for physics practical.a lot of boys got distracted during the prac because she was too pretty.hahaha!:DD indeed,she was really pretty. then, mrs chua said the school did not prepare the students on this kind of things and we should not blame the teacher for this.and this is the first time whereby the problem of the prac is that many people got distracted by the pretty lady, but not being unable to do the questions
you never miss the water till the well runs dry
Monday, October 13, 2008

credits to kylie for this photo..hehe:) i had a fun time
today quite boring laaaa!....i did maths papers,go through chem papers,read physics,blabla.this upcoming one month will be a very boring month.EXAMZZZZZS!!!
all the way everyone.good luck for tomorrow physics prac :D
p.s im in love with violin,lenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Friday, October 10, 2008
hehe.chem prac is quite alright today.it was quite fun actually.as for the hydrogen peroxide tests,one of the test i got 'pop' sound when i test with glowing splint.it was quite weird.so i tested for the second time.i still got a 'pop' sound. so long since i hear the 'pop' sound. the 'pop' sound reminds me of neoneo:) anyway,i have did my best.
today i went to study until around 11pm with lamer.quite productive too :) and i have spent a lot of money on food food food.when i am stress, i tend to eat a lot.maybe i can asume that when i think too much,my glucose is being used up at a faster rate.
up next is physics prac:DDD good luck everyone
today i went to study until around 11pm with lamer.quite productive too :) and i have spent a lot of money on food food food.when i am stress, i tend to eat a lot.maybe i can asume that when i think too much,my glucose is being used up at a faster rate.
up next is physics prac:DDD good luck everyone
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
yesterday,we took our Bio practical and it was actually quite fun.it was my first time on touching a fish.when i was cutting the gills out of the gill cover,my hand keep shaking tremendously.it just cant stop shaking.the second question was on the reducing sugar in the grape juice.i have to squeeze the grape juice and it was great. although it was fun,i have no confidence in getting a good result for biology.'i forgot to label the fish,my answers are different from othe people,i read question wrongly' sad huh.its o level and i still dare to repeat my mistakes.i always read the questions wrongly. hais hais hais
this week i have been studying out with the shitty lamer :)hehehe.studying out is better than study at home.at home,there is so many things that is distracting me.so ive decided to study at somewhere other than home.
tomorrow is chem practical.hope everything will go smooth and i can able to test the right gas. :D
this week i have been studying out with the shitty lamer :)hehehe.studying out is better than study at home.at home,there is so many things that is distracting me.so ive decided to study at somewhere other than home.
tomorrow is chem practical.hope everything will go smooth and i can able to test the right gas. :D
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Graduation ceremony 3/10/2008

our last lunch together

cheers everyone!

yesterday was a memorable and sad day because its my last day to be a secondary 4 student in pasir ris secondary school.we had our graduation ceremony.i really relly really do not want to leave the school.my friends are so great and fun loving. if i could forever stay at 16,isnt that great?
worksheets,worksheets and still worksheets.the PPP programme,teachers distribute moutain of worksheets to us. no choice,stress is what we have to take :) 1 more months and everything is over.
after 11days of PPP programme,graduation ceremony was held on the last of PPP ,so as to end everything and prepare us for start of o level.the powerpoint that the teachers had made,was really touching. the cohort ate the last lunch together in the canteen after the graduation ceremony.although it was a just simple lunch,everything the teachers had done for us and friends who had been playing and joking with me ,had left me the greatest impression. its hard to forget these unforgettable memories as it had already remained in my brain .i will not forget for my rest of my life.
my home teachers:D
mrs chua is the greatest and most cute teacher ive ever seen.to tell the truth,i really really love her as a teacher.i want to thank her so much for helping me throughout secondary 3 and more on secondary4. whenever i have doubts,i will confirm pester her and ask her a lot of questions,until i left with no questions to ask her. i admired the patience she had towards the student.if i were a teacher like her,i couldnt have so much patience to explain over and over again for a particular question.there was once i asked mrs chua " mrs chua,you have been teaching for almost 20 years and every year you have to reteach the same old thing to a new batch of students.don't you feel bored?" and she told me that she feels happy because every year she gets to teach different kinds of students .thats why its not boring,but the passion in teaching. thank you ,mrs chua.
as for mdm yue..starting of the year i didnt really like her because i think that she is quite rude.she did not care about our feelings.haha...but as time goes by,i get to know her better and start to like her.her brain is full of knowledge. sometimes during her ss lessons,she talks about what happened in the past,blabla.then all the questions mark will start to pop out and we will start laughing because her expression is so funny. she always say this when we dont know what is she talking about " nvm,if you dont know,now you know".what a cute teacher.haha:) thankyou,mdm moon.hehe:)

Another teacher that i admired a lot is mr neo.he is also the first teacher who likes to joke during the maths lessons every day." am i the best?!" , " i will teach you all during the 5days 4 nights camp after o level!", and moremoremore,till i could not finish all the jokes he said to us.he is the only teacher that do not gets angry when people scold him,follow his accent,blabla.he takes it as a joke.its a 'wow' to me,you know?not everyone can does that, not everyone is able to tolerate these actions.all i have to say, is the fullest thank you to mr neo for giving the class so much laughter throughout the two years.

at first,when ms jumia walked into the classroom for the first day of school, i thought she was the most scary teacher ive ever seen.her emotionless face and frightening eyes was looking sternly towards us.at that moment of time, i felt that i would do badly for english for the rest of the year because i would feel scared during her lessons,instead of learning what she would teach us.however,things turned out differently. i start to like her,then i start to like english too. i realised she was not actually what i thought of. i was actually steorotyping.people,dont judge a book by looking at its cover. she is very friendly,cute and a funny teacher.after she have taught me,theres improvement in my english.last year english result was disastrous,but this year was a better one.thank you, ms jumia.

not forgetting my friends too,..tinghuan,chloe,nadhirah,zahariah,weeting,maggie,fiqah,effah,eileen,eugenia,wanzhuang
leslie,chuankai,min san,zhanwei,garret,jaron,richard,xiaoxuan,qiumei,tiffany,jasmine, and more.
thanks for making my secondary school life a wonderful one.
A BIG BIG BIG thank you! FRIENDS FOREVER.no matter what,we must keep in contact yea:DD i love you all.
all the best,everyone.jiayou! good luck for o level
*continue to blog about friends after o level :)*

so memorable...

our last lunch together

cheers everyone!

yesterday was a memorable and sad day because its my last day to be a secondary 4 student in pasir ris secondary school.we had our graduation ceremony.i really relly really do not want to leave the school.my friends are so great and fun loving. if i could forever stay at 16,isnt that great?
worksheets,worksheets and still worksheets.the PPP programme,teachers distribute moutain of worksheets to us. no choice,stress is what we have to take :) 1 more months and everything is over.
after 11days of PPP programme,graduation ceremony was held on the last of PPP ,so as to end everything and prepare us for start of o level.the powerpoint that the teachers had made,was really touching. the cohort ate the last lunch together in the canteen after the graduation ceremony.although it was a just simple lunch,everything the teachers had done for us and friends who had been playing and joking with me ,had left me the greatest impression. its hard to forget these unforgettable memories as it had already remained in my brain .i will not forget for my rest of my life.
my home teachers:D
mrs chua is the greatest and most cute teacher ive ever seen.to tell the truth,i really really love her as a teacher.i want to thank her so much for helping me throughout secondary 3 and more on secondary4. whenever i have doubts,i will confirm pester her and ask her a lot of questions,until i left with no questions to ask her. i admired the patience she had towards the student.if i were a teacher like her,i couldnt have so much patience to explain over and over again for a particular question.there was once i asked mrs chua " mrs chua,you have been teaching for almost 20 years and every year you have to reteach the same old thing to a new batch of students.don't you feel bored?" and she told me that she feels happy because every year she gets to teach different kinds of students .thats why its not boring,but the passion in teaching. thank you ,mrs chua.
as for mdm yue..starting of the year i didnt really like her because i think that she is quite rude.she did not care about our feelings.haha...but as time goes by,i get to know her better and start to like her.her brain is full of knowledge. sometimes during her ss lessons,she talks about what happened in the past,blabla.then all the questions mark will start to pop out and we will start laughing because her expression is so funny. she always say this when we dont know what is she talking about " nvm,if you dont know,now you know".what a cute teacher.haha:) thankyou,mdm moon.hehe:)

Another teacher that i admired a lot is mr neo.he is also the first teacher who likes to joke during the maths lessons every day." am i the best?!" , " i will teach you all during the 5days 4 nights camp after o level!", and moremoremore,till i could not finish all the jokes he said to us.he is the only teacher that do not gets angry when people scold him,follow his accent,blabla.he takes it as a joke.its a 'wow' to me,you know?not everyone can does that, not everyone is able to tolerate these actions.all i have to say, is the fullest thank you to mr neo for giving the class so much laughter throughout the two years.
at first,when ms jumia walked into the classroom for the first day of school, i thought she was the most scary teacher ive ever seen.her emotionless face and frightening eyes was looking sternly towards us.at that moment of time, i felt that i would do badly for english for the rest of the year because i would feel scared during her lessons,instead of learning what she would teach us.however,things turned out differently. i start to like her,then i start to like english too. i realised she was not actually what i thought of. i was actually steorotyping.people,dont judge a book by looking at its cover. she is very friendly,cute and a funny teacher.after she have taught me,theres improvement in my english.last year english result was disastrous,but this year was a better one.thank you, ms jumia.
not forgetting my friends too,..tinghuan,chloe,nadhirah,zahariah,weeting,maggie,fiqah,effah,eileen,eugenia,wanzhuang
leslie,chuankai,min san,zhanwei,garret,jaron,richard,xiaoxuan,qiumei,tiffany,jasmine, and more.
thanks for making my secondary school life a wonderful one.
A BIG BIG BIG thank you! FRIENDS FOREVER.no matter what,we must keep in contact yea:DD i love you all.
all the best,everyone.jiayou! good luck for o level
*continue to blog about friends after o level :)*

so memorable...
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