25th March, Friday
USS day with my Lennie. Both of us were eggcited kiddys because we were so excited about the USS trip that we could not fall asleep the previous night.
Lena and I reached USS at about 10 pm. I felt like a tourist when I was at the Sentosa for the whole day. The feeling is so shiok! We also stayed at the Festive hotel for a night. SO HAPPY, despite the blisters I had on both of my legs at the end of the day.
Thank you so much Lenaaaa for the ticket and the stay at the hotel! and so sorrrrrry that I made you sit the rides continuously with me. I felt so guilty when your face turned pale.
Madagascar. Far Far Away. Lost World. Acient Eygpt. Sci Fi City. New York. Lastly,Hollywood. We walked two rounds around the theme park. Played almost all the rides, except those that will make us wet. I like the Shrek 4-D Adventure and the Galaticia rollercoasters.
Played the whole day and we left the place at around 6plus. We got ourselves a chop on our hands so that we can return to USS for fireworks at 9pm. We went to check in at the hotel. My legs were breaking. My blisters bled. First time I can tahan for so long without plasters.

Continue my pictures uploading tomorrow~