sat 23thfeb
yesterday,me,zahariah,nadhirah,chuankai and jaron went to leslie house to do ace project.haha.we are going to old folks home for cip.
after that,at around 3pm,me leslie and jaron went to meet min hui they all haha.i went for a movie with minhui,jessie,garret,minsan,jaron,leslie,justin
we decided to watch jumper.tinghuan and xuewei did not join us for the movie as they have something on.haha.after we brought the ticket,we went to the archade to play.hahaha!very fun
first,we played the disk game..haha.then after that,we played difference.then i played shooting with leslie.min hui and i take turn to shoot.shooting was very very fun and exciting.shiok!haha..i feel hot when i was playing.leslie can continue to shoot without stopping.me and minhui have to take turns to shoot.haha
i want to play the shooting game again!!!!!!!!!
after we watched jumper,we went to macdonald to have dinner.we talked a lot .haha eg.ivory.haha.i feel sad for justin.he seems to have no freedom because his ivory just cant stop loving him.haha
later,we went home at around 10plus.minui took bus 67.me,jaron,jessie and leslie took bus 22.and i walked home:D
i had a memorable day yesterday!!!!!!!!!
Common test week (18th-22thfeb)
this week was the most tense and stress week.i almost died.haha:D
i did not have proper meal and sleep too...especially on tuesday and wednesday!
test i have:
*monday- +english:'( i score 5/20 for comprehension,without vocab.sadsadsad!
+social studies test:'( structured question i read wrongly.they want us to
write about diplomacy but i wrote about deterrence.so in the end,i wrote
one page of deterrence and a few lines of diplomacy.structured
question consist of 12 marks.im dead
*tuesday- +chinese test :) i got back the results.i got an A2.but i am not very satisfied with it.i got 74 and which is 1 more mark to A1.-.-
+e maths test:'( the whole question 3 i get wrong.7marks!
*wednesday- +physics test :) the paper was quite okay.haha.
geography test :'( teacher showed us the answer.but for question 1,i have only very little points
*thursday- +chemistry test :'( i skipped te quesiton on astatine.the question was easy lor.5marks!!and for MCQ,i dont know how to do for almost all the MCQ.hais
+a maths test:'(( the most disappointing test among all! qn 1,2 ,3 answers i get different form classmates.the last two(partd and e) question which is 6 marks ,i never do.i think i will get a low grade for my two maths!!:(
*friday- +biology test:)i can do for the test.maybe can get A1
i think this time minsan can be my maths tutor.haha.we can exchange posts already.
Chinese new year (sat 16thfeb) *at mrs chua house (hometeacher)

my favourite photo!!!

in the morining, i went back school for chem additional class.mrs chua went through past years paper to prepare us for common test:D after the class,me,minsan,nadhirah,zahariah,leslie and garret went to study in the canteen.
i need to tutor minsan a maths because the following week will be common test.haha..after finished teaching hil,all of us went to afghanistan for lunch.the boys ate chicken rice while the girls ate meesoto.haha:D
soon after we finished luck ,i went home to change nto home clothes while the others went back to school to slack/study to wait until 3pm.
our class people met at the void deck at 3pm to go to mrs chua house.mrs chua house is just around our school and i didnt know that.haha.mrs chua gave us drinks,chocolates,crackers and more to eat.we played with poka cards.haha...zahariah,nadhirah,me,minhui,peiyun,xiaoxuan,corrina,jiahao,zhanwei,jaron,leslie,chuan kai,etc went mrs chua house.haha.i love my class people.4e7!haha.
all of us went off at around 5plus.then ,i went to lena house for the chinese new year celebration.haha.i stayed overnight at her house.we watched the hills of eyes1.nicenice!i think the hills of eyes 1 is more scary than the hills of eyes2.me lena and aizsa squeesed onto one bed at night.haha.and poor jessie have to sleep on the floor..i think lena have to buy a extra extra king sized bed to accomodate the three of us.haha.the new year celebration was great and 'yi ji bang!' haha.
mon 11feb
the next day (tue)was biology mock exam.i read 12 chapters in one day on mon.and i got headache at night.i was quite surprised that i could finish in one day.
but during the test,co ws very irritating.someone was playing the instrument 'suo na' while we were having the test. 'what the hell!!'i skipped section B and went into section C.my brain could not work.i forgot everything suddenly and i could not do section B.i think all my answers for section B would be wrong.
Chinese new year (sat 9thfeb) *third day!!
i went to ah kok uncle's house.weeting's parents turned up but weeting never go.haha.she went to her teacher's house i think.last year ,i didnt go but weeting went.this year,i went but weeting did not go.haha.funny
after ah kok's uncle house,i wanted to go and meet arina they all..but they were going in for a movie.i wanted to watch 'gong fu guan lan' with them but there were no more tickets left more me.haha.so in the end,my brother accompany me to watch CJ7.the movie was fantastic.the CJ7 was very very cute.i love CJ7.the movie was funny, a bit of sadness cause CJ7 died.i cried when zhou xin chi died and my brother kept looking at me.haha.
after the movie,my brother accompany me to find arina the all.he went home after that.i ate my dinner with arina,big clarence,baoshan,jessie,small clarence and ricky at seoul garden.haha.
for the 4 days,i had been eating and eating non stop.i don't want to grow fat!
Chinese new year*second day!!(fri 8thfeb)
i went to my (mother's side) da yi ma house.everyone was there.after having my lunch at her house,everyone went into a room to gamble.we played blackjack.the room was small.so ,everyone have to squeezed into a small room.but it was very fun as my mother and jiujiu kept making jokes.haa.we went home at around 1o plus:D
Chinese new year (thursday 7thfeb) *first day!!
in the morning,my faily and i went to grandparrents house first then followed by my da jiu mu house.st night,we have dinner again with my father's side relatives:D
New year eve 2008 (wed 6thfeb) :D
CO have a performance that day.we performed 'qian kuai de liang feng' and 'nan er dang zhi qiang'.i was quite nervous when i was on the stage because i was sitting at the outside,which was in front of the audience.haha.good experience yea!
school ends at around 11am.me,minhui,corrina,jiahao,leslie,chuankai went to jaron's house to play and eat his house chinese new year goodies..haha..we helped him to clear his goodies before chinese new year.haha...this is my second time going to jaron house since primary 6.haha.i remembered that time in primary 6.. i went to his house to do project.haha.his house is still as clean as ever.at around 2pm,we went home to celebrate new year eve with our family members.
my father side relatives and my family went to raffles country club's hotel to have a dinner.the scenery over there was the best.so peaceful yet refreshing.we took family photos and more.after our dinner,we went to a garden whereby flowers are sold.i go there once a year:D everyone went home at around 10 plus.i love chinese new year!
A day before chinese new year eve (mon 4thfeb)
that day was a schooling day.i have co until 6plus.kylie was working near my school.so she wait for me outside the school and we walked around tampines mall.haha.i feel so goood! how i wish kylie stays in tampines.haha
at around 7plus,we went for my father 's company 'shou gong jiu'.that day was great!
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