live statues!

mrs chua is so cute !! we are not brainless,we just too smart!
4years friends and still going on~
lily flower in the pond!
tinghuan's beautiful and sexy legs~woo
BO~tan-ic garden!haha.we are supposed to go there for learning journey,but it turns out raining.we ended up staying in the shelter until 4plus and we set back to school again.we took class photos and many other photos.haha.it was so fun!more photos are with chloe.
27may08 tue
hippo¬ '打是爱'haha
we are messing up lena's room!!
camillie and i went to lena house to practice our violin.i played the 'garden' like shit!i felt like the window was going to break anytime..one of the strings of camillie's violin broke while leana was helping her to tune the violin and our rection was like 'wow',haha..a shocking one.i have chosen my piece,while lena too have chosen her piece too.she s playing'march'.haha.violin lesson is on friday.way to go,lena!
26thmay07 mon
lovely day with my 16years friend!
today was chinese o level exam.after the exam,i could felt that my A1 is flying away from me already.my gong han and li jie ce yan are gone case already.haha
after the exam,i went to pizza hut with weeeee~ting.i did not go out with her for a long long time already.we talked and laughed a lot,like we normally do when we go out together.after lunch,i went to her house and we talked again.haha,we talked and eat non-stop.at evening ,we went back to tampines mall to eat again.we have large appetite!wootss~haha
Lunch time concert! 22may07 thurs
16may07 Friday

4e7 won captain ball.yay!haha..i love my class:p
IMH trip

this is the most fun cip i have done in my secoondary school life.
one month is gone soon~june 'study camp' have started.i dont know why.i felt that this holiday is very meaningful.at least i dont waste my time like i always do in the past few years holiday.everydays seems to be occupied by a lot of things and i have spent my time well.i hope that time can actually slow down or there is 48 hours in a day ,as i do not wish to leave this school so soon.i love my friends and teachers~ :)