1st AUGUST! happy :)
haha...i love this picture.
GOOD friends...! partners:DD

lily toy soldier:)
our soldiers!:D
VIP..haha..'very important guest'
cute zarzar

hippo,LEROY!,me,chickon and zhenbang

they were standing and swaying over there..

zahariah and chuankai
weeeeeee! ting
this picture is so funny:)
school new blazer

minhui wifey!!

ARINA's BIG DAY!!!!!!!! happy birthday HIPPO's'
Today is shanshan birthday! she got 3hippos from me ,minhui and chuankai.im happy that she love it..we had hard time finding her present..haha..
the rehearsal was very fun,but wearing blazer and cork shoe were not a very good idea.it was very HOT!!!we had to welcome 'vip' and must smile at them....it was funny though. all of us started to take pictuires when everything had ended. all the NCC people look very smart...haha :D
NAD 's birthday
our hilarious act
she is touched by us! peanut kidnap's our HEART! zahariah and i made a collage for her and leslie,chuankai,xiaoxuan,jocelyn,melissa and fabian made a chocolate cake for her.the previous day,all of us went to fabian's house to prepare nad's birthfday present and we went home at around 9plus...it was that late already but i had not finish my chem work...in then end i had to sleep at around 12 to 1 plus....PEANUT...i sacrificed my sleep leh.... haha....i hope she like the present!:DDD
hohoho....there is an improvement in my chemistry!haha....A2 yea!!:D:D:D:D:D

layhan and hippo

zara is tallllllll...... *.*
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