Wednesday, March 25, 2009


All I need now, is to peservere.
Just a few more days to weekend, Jiaqi!

Sometimes, I wonder does every students in Singapore look forward to weekends ?
I will say I do. That's what I always look forward to.

Just imagine how many years we have to study... Entire life? Maybe I have already spent one third of our life in schools, 17 years. Oh, I'm tired... Wouldn't it be so wonderful to be a rich taitai? :P I can do whatever I want, I can travel around the world without worrying about anything. Oh, I'm daydreaming again :)

PW is starting too. I shall pray for a good PW group :P
GP and Chinese test coming up! IdontwanttofailGP!ohshit,Ihavenottakenmymathstestyet.

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