We ate like 50plus or 60 plus plates?!! Can die. Stomach can explode, but Chanwanmushi is still my favourite!:D Chuankai and Weizhou are like gobbling up the food. haha, big appetite. I didn't get to eat the mochi and udon. I want mochi!!!
I'm really happy :D
Sunday :D 4e7 Gathering ! sad that Mrs Chua didn't go.

BBFFFFFFF! :D zarzar and Minsan!

haha! so retarded :P

Mdm Yue!:D First time in my life I ate a lot of pratas instead of stingrays for BBQ :P Mdm Yue introduced pratas in BBQ.

so cute! Mdm Yue's son

my favourite zarzar!:D

the ' TALL' Jiahao! happy? haha :P

The friendly witch X.X


Peiyun :)

Zhanwei looks so funny in this picture!:Dhahaha

zahr!, Minhui and Peiyun! :]]]]


Jaron!:D so many years of friend leh! oh, my fringe so ugly!

JIAWEE jintong!!:D

Oh, my fringe is damn ugly..haha. i kinda regretted cutting it.

isn't it coolv!:D

zhanwei! :]

Xuewei hehe :D
minhui gave grown taller!:D why I never grow?! :P

Leslie LILY!!!!!!!!!
I'm elephant :)
1,2,3,4 kachaa!:P

Minsan BBF!:D
I want nobody nobody, BUT YOU!:D
Yesterday, we had class gathering!:D oh, I'm so happy to see all of them. Misses..
They are unreplaceable :)
After class gathering, Minhui, Xuewei, Tinghuan,Jaron,Richard, Chuankai, Weizhou, Leslie and I went to Safra to play poool! I finally know how to play pool. hmm, quite slow right? :P After that, Minhui and Xuewei stayed overnight at my house. I missed those times we go out together.
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