These fews days are GREAT!:DOn Thursday after Biology paper, Joyce, Louis and I went to Yoshinoya to have our lunch. Weilin, Angela, Japhia, Andrea and Vanessa also went too. I have not eaten that for so LONG! I had a great day with them. Okay, Ray is damn funny.haha! A compliment for him!:D
After lunch, I went home to watch dramas!:D I'm in love with boys over flowers. Oh man! Then, I had dinner with Arina and Clarence at Swensens. As Swensens is having the one for one promotion, I had two soup. One Clam chowder and one mushroom soup. I felt so satisfied after eating those although it looks like I 'm greedy.haha!
After listening comprehension, I went home and finished my BOYS OVER FLOWERS last two episodes. It's super nice! and all the guys look cute and dashing.hais, why don't they migrate to Singapore? hehe
Soon after that, Irushed out to meet Rimes, Joyce and Yin ai. I had lunch with them and shopping around Hokaiddo fair. I LOVE the pastry over there!
Karaoke with Joyce and Yin ai. Joyce was complaining about the cigarettes smell over there :)Then, we somehow went there to compete the oldest song we know. HAHA! I won with my childhood song. No one will believe it anyway. The first song I know in my life is not twinkle twinkle little star, blablabla, its my grandparents kind of songs. Its called 九月九的酒. We had a good laugh because of that song. This song was taught by my grandparents as I used to stay at their house when I was small. It was very memorable.
When I reached home, I started to watch Absolute Boyfriend and I finished all the episodes that night :D
Happy :D
Went out in the morning to find secondary sources with my project mates :D We managed to find some useful resources and I found a lot of book that is talking about the conservation. Oh damn, I should have gone to the library to find ideas for my PI. wasted!
Soon after that, we went to catch movie!:D We watched Duplicity. The movie is damn boring and waste money too. Rimes and I didn't really understand the movie at the starting until Andrea explained the soty to us. In the movie, the characters have benn talking and talking. It's super boring, but Andrea like it.

with Andrea and Rimes. Hexian didn't want to take photo.tsktsk

At around Evening, Family outing! We went to Kallang to have out dinner. I have been wanting to go fishing. Thus, because of my sake ,my father went to buy the fishing line because the one at home was spoilt and not strong enough. My parents brought me to Kallang to eat my Udon. Woohoo!

Udon and Miso soup. My favourite!

After dinner, it was fishing time! My father bought my cages for catching CRABS! He wants to catch crabs but I want to fish. HEHE! We statyed tere till 2plus and we didn't catch any fish but we caught one CRAB!:D We didn't bring the crab home but to release it back to the sea :)

our successful attempt!:D

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