The first look at the schools, it looks like factories :P
Lena's driver drove us to NP in the morning. This is my second time going there. I feel young over there because there is filled with youngsters with different kinds of clothes. Interesting :P
Lena brought me around to school to have a look around. Their library is cool lah! Got many television somemore. It doesn't look like a school to me, but some place that I can slack. haha!
Then, I went with Lena for her Econs lecture. The lecture is so much better lah. So comfortable. Today the lecture was on government fiscal policy and hmm.. quite interesting and I did understand. The teacher started teaching by giving introduction. It looked like she was telling us stories on the history of economics. It took her damn long to 'go straight to the main part'. haha! 2 hours passes damn fast. I didn't feel sleepy, but my butt felt hot! Amazing.haha :D
Ate lunch with Lena and then she went for her tutorial. Met up with Nad and she brought me to her lecture. Haha! another lecture. People would think I'm crazy.haha! I joined her early chilhood lecture which was on PLAY. okay, damn boring. I was talking to Nadhirah and her friends throughout. Nad was gossiping with me about her class people. Saw her Cute Guy also.haha. All the people at the back were playing and chit chatting among themselves. Only some paid attention. Naughty Nad, never pay attention in class. tsktsktsk!
Soon after Lena's class, we went to catch Newmoon. Jacob looks cuter and better than Edward. I don't think the title New moon' has anything to do with the movie. No link.haha .
In the library,

At SIM eating fudge cake! woohoo,

Movie time,

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