Yummy liu sa bao. It's really DAMN yummy
Happy me with the PIR NOWSADAY! :DD

The most lame guy ever 6! no one can beats him man!
Mgr LC! :D

Lovely Small eyes Petrina! Seeing her makes me laugh! HAHA!
After work, I went to meet up with my 2 lovely 'long lost' friends, Weeting and Zahariah! OKAY, HAHAHA jkjk, not long lost friends! SO MISSSSSSS THEM LA!!! *Happy face* when I saw them waving to me while I was walking towards the Hong Kong Cafe. Hugged my Zahr Zahr and Wee Wee! :D Angry, Nad didn't go!
My bday pressie from them! :D
Looks mouldy from the outer appearance. The cupcakes have INNER BEAUTY OKAY!! Dont play play! :P
Messed up!
I love this pic. SO UGLY YET SO NICE!
Thank you girls so much! :D China town soon kays!
Took bus home at maybe 11pm? Reached home at around 11.30PM. YOU KNOW WHAT?! My Cussie Kylie was waiting for me at my house with a chocolate cake! I was really really SURPRISED! When I entered the house, she said ' ehh, I was waiting for you to teach my violin leh!' For a minute, I was thinking whether yesterday was Monday or Tuesday. ( For your info, she comes to my house every Monday to learn to play tong hua using my violin, for her personal reason heh :>) She sang Happy Birthday Song for me! I was really really touched! Surprises before my birthday ends at 12 am!

Another thing that make me felt so gan dong was that my brother was waiting for me to go home yesterday, till he fell asleep. I felt so bad when my mum told me about it! She told me that he bought my favourite biscuit for me! Tada, Famous Amos cookies! In Lollipop Shape wrapped and "Happy Birthday" words printed on the paper and sticked to the wrapper, and 1 'bag' of cookies! Okay, it weighs quite heavy. Thank youuuu! Love you! <3

I zilian cause I really love the cookie lollipop! haha!

Arina created this bloggy skin for me. LEE HONG GI <3! TQ!
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