!we went bugis!

six of them belongs to the six of us :)


all the way .peach!

first time drinking peach :D



sengie looks so drunk :0

bright side of us!

im so lucky to have them as my friends

jiewei's eye!haha

they are kissing?

my only shanshan.u made me happy!~



jiewei and sengie's drunk.haha!
yesterday,i reached the chalet at around 8pm.i was the first one in the fam to reached cute lennie didnt go to the chalet as shes off to korea.baoshan didnt go and i dont know the reason.maybe she's working? janus too,he was also not there because he went genting.haha.there were a lot chong ziyi's friends.i felt so weird to be there at first.haha
soon after that,the folks came,naming..shanshan,ah hong,fishball and jiewei.we started bbq-ing when the rain stopped.i have been having chalets and bbq-ing this holidays.these will increase the risk of us getting cancer!
bbq finished~we went up to the rooms to watch moviess~throughout the night, we watched 3 shows.we watched the 'stomp the yard','skating show' and resident evil 3.
the whole night,i slept for less than 30minutes.i can't sleep because there was no was damn cold..
morning came and we had beakfast at white sands.mcdonald breafast!!i've not eaten this for a long time.
at around 11plus, shanshan,I and ah hong set off to starts!haha
funny day after all!
tmr,im going back to school for sec one registration!yay,i can wear uniform!i miss my uniform :)
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