To my dearest FAM: lovesloves
&im writing to everyone even though only 2people in fam knows my blog .
my shanshan hippo laogong! 3 years and still going.having you really makes me feel that im a lucky girl.do you know why?because i can go to your house to play,eat,mess up your room,and more!haha XPjust joking.you make me understand what is called best friends.in sec1,we are quite close.in sec 2,we are very very close.in sec 3,no words can explain us already!different class doesn't means that we are over already.those joys we have,talking on phone,shopping at bugis,slacking i will never forget.i went through a lot of things in sec 2, such as those embarassment and more. you have helped me through a lot of difficulties.thankyou very much!i don't know why i like to talk to you face to face.haha!do you remember the first time i talked to you on phone in sec 1?i forgot what we chat on but i know we talked for a long time and the conversation was super funny.i know you are a treaurer.money face!haha.but i still love you.give me money,old woman!hahaha :p
we must cherish each other next year.this is our last year for us to be romantic already and please control your temper.try not to be so frustated so easily because you will really turned to an old woman!i don't want an old woman,okay.i want a cheerful shanshan.hohoho! :D
my lennie!cute woman with black glasses~haha!i also got keep the card u gave me for mother's day!hoho.all the lollipops were eaten by my brother.he is so greedy right?haha.although this year you did not join us for the chalet,you are still my most loved ones.you are still in the fam no matter what~:Di really hoped you are able to join us next time in our outing.after all, good friends are hard to find.so we have to cherish each others.haha.i like to talk to you too!i felt so easy talking to you..no stress huh!violin!~we have our lovely violin lessons together!we have our teatime and chit chat together after the lessons~i talked almost everything to you because you always give me a sense of trust and some other kinds of feeling.it's imaginery and i don't know how to explain.next year violin lessons yea??!! 5pm on friday! hope to see you soon~~!
giegie!u have changed a lot from sec 1 to sec3.from a bossy girl to a more matured and understanding girl now.haha!good!i think these three years u have gone through a lot of things.you must be a cheerful girl right now yea?all those difficulties u faced are just part of your life.those eventually will make you stronger girl.haha!when i see you cry,i want to cry too.but when i see you laugh,i will feel happy too.wow!your emotions can easily affect me..haha.stay happy.and let me know that you are the girl that i once knew, a cheerful and always smiling girl:D
jessbunny!haha..we have known each other from primary school!wow...the longest one in fam..and still junyuan primary rocks!!haha.i still remember what jessie look like in primary 5.she sat with me in chinese class and she don't even talk.haisss,so cool~haha...nerdnerd one.but now,she have changed to an ah lian!haha!but still a cool and funny girl.from long hair to short hair.hahaha~i realised that i talk to jessie not very often..but we are still close.last year chinese new year, we went back primary school together and we are forced to wait outside the school until 1pm because the security guards don't allow us to enter.we waited from about 10plus to 1pm.haha!later,we found out that we are the only sec3s who went back the earliest.hahaha!remember to study ,jessie.i can always teach you maths whenever you want :D
baobeii!i have not seen you for a long time!everytime,work!work!work!haha...you also never turned up for the chalet.aiyooo~haha...so good...next year you still can enjoy one more year,but i cant.T.T haha.but after my o level,you will be seeing me enjoying myself.haha.to say the truth, i cant bear to leave the school in one year's time, as i cannot see you and clarence everyday already.whenever u start laughing,you will laugh for a long long time.laughlaughlaugh!haha.jiayou for next year!
ah hong!clamclam!i really have a great time with you and shanshan.thankyou for giving me the birthday present eeyore!,your hongbao on my birthday and the disneyland present.at first,in sec 2 ,i dislike you and i know you sit with yuxiang in your class.everytime i walked past your class,i will see you >.< face..stupid face!!! but,i know u better when we went for justin chalet.i talked to you for the first time at mcdonalds.there were justin ,you,weeting and me.it was like justin talking to weeting and you and me having another conversation.knowing you was quite a miracle.haha...weird.we talked and laugh so much on that day.unbelievable!an now we are so close already!wow!~~this holiday i have been going out with you and shanshan.i feel so happy with you two together although sometimes i felt that im a 'bright light bulb'.haha.shopping!hmm,it's great to have a friend like youuu!!!
yew dada!dadadadadadada~giraffe!i'm bitting your head!!we have gone through a lot of things since last year.in sec2,i also don't like you.stupid boys volleyballers!haha.i know you through shanshan.sec 2 year was quite a memorable one as i suddenly know a lot of people.haha!and because of you,many call me sotong.some of them don't even know what is my name,but only knows that i called sotong -.-''.last year,shanshan,you, and i used to talk on the phone until midnight.haha!sometimes,you even sleep without even putting down the phone.haha...funny! try to stop scolding vulgarities..haha
&i am really sorry that i did not give you my answer after my mid year exams because i don't have the courage and confidence to continue the relationship.i apologise.
stay cheerful as well!:D
yuyuan is called fishball!fishball is so round and tasty!hahaha~.my sec1 partner,became co chairman already.he always make me feel guilty and worried when i skip co.having a close friend in co is not really good after all.and even worst,he is the chairman.he gave me so many difficulties in skipping co.but nowadays,i go for co already.santa,i told you i am a good girl!:p i have improved a lot in erhu too.hahaha,i am a senior!yiyan changed too.haha.he likes to scold vulgarities nowadays.aiyooo~but now cuter and taller now.he is another maths pro too.haha.all the best for you next year in your o level!
majong uncle!your house is where i first learned how to play majong!i know where you live...!!!haha..fam people always go over to your house to play majong.haha..illegal gathering!jiewei is so gay last time!but now,a little man already.haha:p try to be more man!!so the girl will like you..hahaha~!!just joking.you are a caring and friendly friend:)
after three years,those people whom i have dislike before became my close close friends.fate really brought us together.good friends are really hard to find:Dhaha
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