Hawk got first! hehe! The Hawks got very enthusiastic from the very first day. The OGLs leaded us with the cheers and we started cheering with all our might. For three days, we kept shouting and cheering out loud to earn points. It was super fun and the OGLs were funny too! I love the cheers and now I am losing my voice soon.
First day
We learned Mass dance. There was a total of 3 dance and we learned two on that day. The first song was Low! haha,low low low low! COol! Second Song I don't know the title. But I like that song and dance steps.
Then Amazing Race after that. Ran here and ran there. There was this station where we had to wash our hair with shampoo and make as much foam as possible to complete the task. We were like using as much shampoo as possible and to rub our hair like mad woman to produce foam. Our hair was damaged by that shampoo. It was fun anyway. Another station was we have to fill up 3 bottles of water using our bare hands. In the end, so as to complete the task to win points, Mun sacrificed his shirt for the game. He soaked his shirt into the pail of water and squeezed as much water as possible into the bottles. All of us over there were using our hands to scoop the water and we were like shouting ' Don't waste the water. Don't waste the water!!!' haha! Teamwork!
After the Amazing Race, it was Bathing time! Each of us were only given 4 minutes to bathe. Make me so nervous la! I didn't even know whether I used the shampoo or soap to wash my hair.
The first day was tiring but it was fun!
Second day
I woke up at 6.15am and rushed to the hall for the early bird contest. Actually we had to reach the hall by 7.30am. At 6.40am, most of my CG people had already reach the hall. My OGLs were rushing me to wear my shoes faster and get to the hall. So in the end I reached there at 6.45am . Damn early! So ya, Hawk got first for the Early Bird contest and we won 100 points!:D
We had Physical training after that. We ran around the track for 3 rounds. We had to sing our school song for the first two rounds and and to cheer our house cheer for the last round. Shout and Shout!haha!:DD We didn't win but it was alright. haha:D
After PT, some of the CG went back to classroom to have Interactive time with the tutor. Mdm Goh was very friendly. She's funny and great. Luckily, not very strict.
Soon after the Interactive lesson ended, We went back to the hall to have our Telematch. Our class got splitted into two groups. My group has Peiwen, Joyce, Yinai, Fengmao, Louis, Harris, Justin and me. The Telematch was the best of all games! It was challenging. One of the station was that each of us takes turn to fall from the stage, while the group members will be down there to support the person who is falling. It was scary because we have to fall back and land backwards. At first, I thought it was easy and it will be alright. However, when I got up to the stage, I started to panick. 'Omg,omg,HOw?!' This game taught us to have trust in our friends. So, I don't care already and just fall in order not to waste time. Yay, I mangaed to overcome my fear .haha Fun!:DDD We played Spiderweb too! I got carried up and it was scary too. This Telematch was yichiban!:D
Mass dance soon after we had our breakfast. We learned the third dance. The couple dance!haha. The dance was cute.Love love! I danced with Vanessa.
At night, We had Soul Night. Then, they turned on the aircons in the hall. I was quite suaku because there isn't any aircons in my Primary and Secondary school. I was quite surprised when they on it. haha! So, every house gathered in the hall. We wore our Orientaion shirt and all were coloured shirt! There were six houses. Falcon, Hawk, Eagle, Heron, Seagull and Phoenix. So there were Orange, Yellow, Red, Purple, Grey and Purple. Then the coucillors wore white while the Seniors wore Green. The hall was filled with RAINBOW COLOURS.! WOW right!:D It was so nice! The Hawk people looked like yellow bananas,haha!
Each of the house had to prepare skit to advertise something. So we got Milkshake. My CG prepared a skit using the song from a Milk advertisement. The song was ' I wanna grow, I wanna grow grow grow (3 times)! That's why we love Milkkkkshake!' Then, 09S11 used the HL milk advertisement, the Banana Milk song. 'It's a sunny yellow, Banana day....' 09A06 performed Taichi. They were super funny! They perform Taichi using the Watermelon Theory. HAHA super hilarious! We were Creative right?!:D
Soul Night ended off with Band performances. HIGH! The Singer was the Second IC for the camp. It was quite surprising to see him singing and shouting on the stage. Haha, I thought he is quite quiet:)
Everything ended well. I ate a lot for supper. I kept eating and I only realised that I had ate 4 bread when I was about to leave the Canteen Extension. All Yinai's fault! hahaa:DD She kept pulling me to get the food with her and I couldn't stop eating :]]]
Third day
All the Hawkers, except two girls, reached the hall at 6.30am. Crazy right?! 7.30am gather and we reached there at 6.30am! Haha, in the end we got second for Early bird contest because the two girls came in late.
Then, we sang National Anthem and and School song in the morning. We had Area Cleaning. I was slacking all the way.haha!:D
Mass dance again! Everyone danced. I love it! haha! Then, we did cheers too! All the houses shouted for the last time. It was a competition and we shouted all the cheers. Hawk still rock! heeeeehee!:D
The OIC announced the results and Hawk got first. We got 1000 over points and we won! It was unexpected. I thought we were losing but in the end it turned to in a different way!:DD
When everything ended, we took lots of pictures. I want the photossss!!! :DD Mdm Goh says that she is going to send to us!Yay yay yaY!
After Orientation Camp, Elaine, Shaun and I went to TM Macdonalds to have our lunch. We ate MacSpicy!hehe!:D


Me, Elaine and Ziyi. Yellow, Purple and Blue!:D
These three days were Great! I'm gonna get the pictures!
My favourite cheers!:]]]]]]
Automatic Cheer
We are a-u-t-o-matic!
We are sys-t-e-matic!
We are automaitc, systematic, highhhly energetic!
si swa swa si swa swa !
si swa swa si swa swa!
ohm jiji ohm jiji!
ohm jiji ohm jiji!
Tiu tiu tiu , Tiu tiu tiu, Tiu tiu tiu
Tiu tiu tiu , Tiu tiu tiu, Tiu tiu tiu (clap,clap,clap)
Tiu tiu tiu , Tiu tiu tiu, Tiu tiu tiu (stomp and clap X3)
Tiu tiu tiu , Tiu tiu tiu, Tiu tiu tiu
You say I say you say
You say I say you say
You say I Number 4
I say you sweep the floor
You say I Number 3
I say you climb the tree
You say I Number 2
I say you dan gu gu
You say I number 1
I say ' aiya paiseh la!' * cute right?!*haha!
Let's go Hawker, Let's go! ( stomp stomp)
Let's go Hawker, Let's go! ( stomp stomp)

I went to Nahirah's house after that because I forgot to bring my house keys. I didn't see her for a long time already and she was playing Pet Society when I was there. Yay, I got to talk to her!:D
Start studying tomorrow! & Have fun, Camp2 people!:D
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