Friday, February 27, 2009

Today is a long and tiring day. I had my cca till 5pm, and went for Violin lesson at 7pm. I had my first lesson with the piano accompanist. He is so funny and friendly. When I reached my teacher's house, the piano accompanist was sleeping on the sofa and my violin teacher told me that he had waited me for a long time. I felt so guilty.haha :)

It was great after all. Everything went smooth. He taught me how to sing high notes :) It was quite difficult. For a guy like him can even reach high notes, why can't I too ? :) hehehe!:D I shall try harder next time. Lena ,also Jiayou okay!:D

1 comment:

fallendark21 said...

i hate singing.
i'll never like singing aural.
im tone deaf.sorry lor...=X