Basically, my school celebrated National Day and Racial Harmony together. It was fun! NDP songfest was a success and I love it! :D
The whole class performed for the Songfest :D OHHH, I love my class.

This crazy woman!!! :PPP haha!

Andrea look so cute!

MDM GOHHHH! love her!

Rimes may be crazy at time BUT I STILL LOVE HER! OOPSS

Japhia in her Kimono (i dont know how to spell ) :)

Xiuzhen :D

HAHA! I'm wearing Jiahao's Long tall black cap 'hair' !
After the national day celebration, Rimes, Louis and I went to Tampines Mall to have our lunch. Okay, it was quite weird and a little bit of embarrassing when I wore the malay sotume to Tampines Mall. A LOT of people was looking at me and some were pointing at me. I FELT LIKE SOME WEIRD WOMAN WALKING AROUND TM!!!
Then, we were walking around to decide what to eat. Suddenly, we saw Swensens promotion on the ' 1 for 1 meal' . HEHEHE, Louis chose his main course and we got free food! :DDDhahaha! I bought my soup :) Rimes was like showing us her 2 DOLLARS to show that she can buy swensens ice cream. In the end, Louis called her to buy the bottled mineral water instead of ice cream.haha!
After Louis payed the bill, the waiter came back to give me the change instead of giving Louis. I was making fun of Louis that the waiter prefers me more than him. In the end he said something that make me laughed so much although it was 'quite irritating'.haha! He said that maybe because I wore the Malay costume and the waiter mistook me as their MOTHER. I was like WTHHHH, but still funny!:D

After Swensens, Rimes came to my house. Instead of starting written report, we went to have a nap :P However, Hexian was reaching my house at that time and we only got to nap for a while. Andrea reached my house and she bought Famous Amos cookiessss:) We started with project work and ya, we kept making fun of HEHEHEHExian with his 'LOVER?'. I shall not mention. HAHAHA!
OH, Hexian's slipper was being stolen! and it was so funny! OOPS
I had so much fun today :D
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