Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm tired and this is the same old word again. My walking pace has slowed down these few days because I'm too tired to walk. On Monday or Tuesday? , when I entered the school gate, the school attendence was asking me why am I walking so slow. I didn't realise it after she told me about it.haha!

Today I had Gp and Chinese Mid term tests. Chinese we have to study the 成语。

and that stupid Rimes anyhow use the 成语 to decribe people and it was so funny la! she was saying Hexian 班门弄斧,不务正业,不知廉耻,杯弓蛇影,and some others which are not even 成语, blablabla (all sorts of 4 letter words she also use) and we could not stop laughing at her. haha! and after that I was saying that she 不知羞耻。Then, I came out with this sentence for her that I am very proud of myself for coming out with this sentence hahaha!
我们应该对Rimes 对症下药,不然就不可救药!HAHAHA!

and after that, that crazy Rimes was talking about this 成语'魂飞魄散'. She said that haris used this 成语 to make a sentence which is okay, SO FUNNY! the sentence is ‘ 我很伤心因为我的朋友出卖我,所以魂飞魄散。’

AHHHH! I have so much things not done yet! I need more than 24 hours a day!!!. I'm gonna sleep earlier today.


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