Jiayou !
Army Open house Excursion on Friday!
It was FUNNNNN! I had a crazy time with Joyce and I went around like crazy women visiting the booths and the games. Angela was with us too. I didn't get to play the flyerfox because I was wearing SKIRT! Tsk. haha:D Ray, Rimes, Weilin and Yin ai are lazybums (OOPS! :P) because they sat at the drinks stall and didn't go around with Joyce and I.

RAY LEEEE. With him around, nobody can stop talking.

I was sulking. I forgot the reason why I was sulking. HAHA!

Louis' Pringles was eaten up by Rimes, Weilin and I. WAHAHA!

tsktsk, Hexian holding so many poker cards

Rimes, I love her!


Two of them have orange specs :)
I'm waiting for Joyce and Ace to send me the photos.
Breaking fast with Nad, Iffah and Weeting. Banmian day!:D I miss the Ban mian so much and those times we ate our dinner together at the Food Culture.
I went to break fast with them although I don't fast. Okay, 1 year had passed and I remembered I also break fast with them last year. Once, with Zahariah if I'm not wrong.


To Zahr and Lily : I hope you all will stay as happy as how I used to know you all. You two will always be the friends I love no matter what happen.
Oh dear! My face is so round now. DON' T EAT TOO MUCH JIAQI!
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