Then, I went for my primary school gathering. Our two primary school teachers actually PANGSEH us today for not turning up the appointment with us, but it was fun overall. I got to see my primary school friends which I have not seen them for like so many years. Mdm Eng got to accompany her friend because her friend's husband passed away, while ms foo forgot about us, tsk!

Earthquake ZzBABOMB!Zz

Alan, Kelly, Jessie, Jerald, Tingke and Zengmei (plus Yanpeng) ! :D

Chatted A LOT and Laughed A LOT TOO! okay.. We had dinner at Swensens. Jerald and Alan were reiterating that they ARE POLY STUDENTS. THEY STAY AT HOME AND ROT because they have nothing to do at home. They usually hold a mouse. However, for Kelly and I, who are JC students, we rot at home because we have to mug and we usually hold a pen. Actually, we slack too.
Jiayou Kelly, I know you can do it! :D Don't get angry over your friends. Be youself and don't change to their character. We like what you are now :) So All the best for your Promo!:D
& For the poly ones, Good luck in getting good results. Hope no SUBPAPERS for you all. haha :D See you all soooooooon after our( Kelly and I ) Promo! :D I'M LOOK FORWARD TO IT :D
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