Monday, November 09, 2009

I cried today because....
of the movie 'My Sister's Keeper'.
During the movie, I could hear sniffing around me. HAHA! The movie was so sad and Andrea cried too :D

Okay, I had a hard time doing the final I and R. Handed up this morning and finally its left with OP. I will really miss pw when it's over because pw has brought the four of us together. Although it cause me to be deprive of sleep sometimes, I enjoyed it in overall. We suffered, had fun and gossiped together. Today they were like trying to think of a christian name for me and it was damn funny! I'm really happy and lucky to have them as my pw group mates. LOVE Andrea, Hexian and Rimes! Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup and the Mojojojojo! :D

Surprisingly, Pw has actually added colours to my Jc life.

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