with the Bintan people today
Spot no earthworms today, but I saw tadpoles :D Oh I like tadpoles!
At first, I didn't dare to use my hands to dig the soil 'hmm, mud?'. I stared at Joyce and Aana becasue they were using their bare hands to dig the mud so as to get the roots of the plant out. In the end, I don't care anymore and I started to dig too. It was unexpectedly fun! Lucky no earthworms :D
Hope it will be like that in Bintan :)

Setting off to Pulau Ubin

Ms Tay :D
she always laugh at me and ask me 'are you scared?'

Pulau Ubin

Setting off to mangrove. The place look like a restricted area.
Does this picture reminds anyone of what you saw those people who are being kidnapped in dramas? haha!
On our way there, the guide was holding some sort of long knife so he could chop off some branches along the way so as to prevent obstruction.

Our successful salvage.
Ooo, our legs are soaked in the water :)

Such a beautiful heritage we have :)
Tuesday. 24th November 09
Science centre! :D WOOHOO
We carried out Bacteria Transformation experiment.
I made mistakes during the experiment. When taking out the Ecoli bacteria, I went to scape the agar which I am suppoesed to do that. For the last step which was to place the bacteria soultion on to the agar plate, I accidentally poke one hole on the agar plate which I was also not supposed to.
Haha, Hope my bacteria would be successfully transformed.
The trip there was woohoo! I got to know that the sea fireflies actually have proteins in their bodies that can give out luminous light. Thats cool man!

Jolene! I love her!

Look at Meishan's face. So funny :D

My Joleneeee. VJJ Love

Messy table

Angela. Our 'bigger' gloves :O

Andrea, Japhia, Ray and Vanessa :)

Working in lab is so fun.

Andreaaaaa! :D one that never fail to make me laugh! Love her so muchy!

Out of the lab, It's play time!
Angela and I run around the science centre to look at everything. We were given for only like 30 minutes. haha :D so crazy.

Colourful .Nice!

The robot is talking to me. Scary.

Beautiful sky
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